Design of Floor Standing Control and Remote Monitoring Tools Based on Microcontroller at Tampa Padang Airport


  • Clawdya Roreng Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar


Air Conditioner, Arduino IDE, NodeMCU ESP8266


Purpose to: (1) Know how to make a design for more efficient automatic control for Air Conditioner Floor Standing in order to save on electricity costs, (2) Know how to operate control designs and monitor microcontroller-based Air Conditioner Floor Standing. The research method used is the waterfall research method. This research method is known as the software development method. This method is carried out with a systematic approach, starting from the system requirements stage and then moving on to the analysis, design, coding, testing/verification, and maintenance stages. The Waterfall method is a research method in which the stages must be completed one by one and run sequentially. The conclusions from this study are: (1) This design will save electricity costs at Tampa Padang Mamuju Airport, (2) This design is useful for controlling Floor Standing Air Conditioners remotely and can monitor Floor Standing Air Conditioners (AC) in real time, (3) This microcontroller-based design will make it easier for airport mechanical technicians when electrical disturbances occur.


