Design and Build Control Equipment, Monitoring Temperature, Current and Voltage On Air Conditioner In Class II UPBU Office H. Asan Sampit Based On Iot
Air Conditioner, intenet of things (IoT), Thinger.Io, NodeMCU ESP8266Abstract
This study aims to find out: 1) Design a device that can be used to control Air Conditioner
by On/Off remotely., 2) Can make it easier for technicians at H. Asan Sampit Airport to send and receive
data from one device to another device that is separated by a certain distance, 3) Technicians can find out
more easily the voltage conditions that enter the outdoor Air Conditioner, 4) Make it easier for technicians
at H. Asan Sampit Airport to monitor the condition of Air Conditioner refrigerant pressure. Data were
collected from direct observational observations on air conditioners, literature studies and interviews with
passengers, Avsec officers and airport technicians. Findings: 1) This tool uses the PZEM-004T sensor as
a current and voltage detector, DHT 22 sensor as a temperature sensor in the room, then controls On/Off
using a relay and uses a power supply to supply several components, 2) Control and monitoring is carried
out through the Internet of Things application (IoT) is The results of the sensor readings are
sent to the application from the ESP8266 MCU node via the internet/wi-fi network, 3) To find
out whether or not there is voltage entering the compressor by monitoring the voltage readings from the
PZEM-004T sensor sent to the application, 4) Likewise, the current readings from the PZEM004T sensor are sent to the application to find out what the pressure is refrigrant in Air
Conditioner. Disadvantages of this study: 1) this design cannot measure refrigerant specifically because
it is only seen from the current, 2) this control and monitoring can only be done if the conponents are
connectedg ke jaringan wi-fi yang sesuai dengan coding program yang telah di upload pada komponen.