Aplikasi E-Logbook Peminjaman Alat Kerja Berbasis Aplikasi Web di Perum LPPNPI Cabang Kupang


  • Achmar Fajrul Ady Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar
  • Bayu Dewangga Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar
  • Nining Idyaningsih Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar


E-Logbook, Website, Database, Peminjaman, Pemrograman


Work tools are very important for technicians in carrying out operation, maintenance and repair of Technical Facilities at Perum LPPNPI Kupang Branch. Due to the limited number of work tools, these items are often used interchangeably, so there is a need for a more valid mechanism for borrowing work tools. The system for borrowing work tools at Perum LPPNPI Kupang Branch is currently done manually using a logbook, and is recorded by on-duty technicians. In order to improve the effectiveness, regularity, and discipline of borrowing work tools, the purpose of this research is to take a research topic in the form of an E- Logbook Design of Web Application-Based Work Tools at Perum LPPNPI, Kupang Branch.


This study uses the PHP Website programming language method, collecting data from the location of Perum LPPNPI Kupang Branch as a database source, and VSCode and XAMPP applications as interfacing applications.


The test results of the application show that the e-logbook Website of this Work Tool Loan can be used validly. Functions and features in the application run more effectively. This application can be implemented and used more efficiently in the Kupang Branch of Perum LPPNPI


Keywords : E-Logbook, Website, Database, Loans, Programming.



How to Cite

Ady, A. F., Dewangga, B., & Idyaningsih, N. (2022). Aplikasi E-Logbook Peminjaman Alat Kerja Berbasis Aplikasi Web di Perum LPPNPI Cabang Kupang. ANALOGY : Journal of Air Navigation Technology, 1(2), 32–36. Retrieved from https://jurnal.poltekbangmakassar.ac.id/index.php/analogy/article/view/341