Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System on Generator Set


  • Yayuk Suprihartini Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug
  • Panji Muhammad Putra Politeknik Penerbangan Indoneisa Curug
  • Bachrul Huda Politeknik Penerbangan Indoneisa Curug



Generator set is a device that can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. In Addition, generators are used to back up the electricity supply when the main power source (PLN) goes out one of the supporting factors for students to know the implementation of the output data generated by the  generator set, we need a special system that can monitor the generator and can also control it centrally. To monitor and controlthe system, a system called SCADA is needed. This design can monitor the work system on the generator and control the the load to be supplied by the generator. This design uses Arduino hardware as a base and display using Visual Studio 2019.




How to Cite

Suprihartini, Y., Muhammad Putra, P., & Huda, B. (2022). Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System on Generator Set. Airman: Jurnal Teknik Dan Keselamatan Transportasi, 5(1), 74–82.