Analisis Pengaruh Kemampuan Kognitif Taruna Terhadap Kemampuan Praktik App-Procedural Di Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar


  • M.Kahfi Dhiya
  • Aprinia Kusumaningsih Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar
  • Rizza Nur Azizah Hardianti Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar


Kemampuan, Kognitif, Praktik, Taruna, APP Procedural


One of the courses learned from Air Traffic Control cadets is the APP-Procedural practical course. There are still many cadets who experience difficulties when practicing. Because in practice the APP-Procedural cadets cannot see with their eyes the position of the aircraft. so cadets have to imagine and predict more than when guiding planes in the Tower area where the plane is visible to the eye. There are many reasons for these obstacles where one of the main factors is cognitive ability. Cognitive factors play an important role in one's learning success, because most learning activities are always associated with difficulties in remembering and thinking. The research method used is a quantitative method. The research instrument uses a questionnaire to obtain data from cadets regarding cognitive abilities. And data on the ability of cadets to practice obtained from the APP-Procedural Exam scores. Based on the analysis of research data obtained from respondents it was concluded that cognitive abilities have an influence on the ability of APP-Procedural cadets to practice, this can be seen by the calculation results of y = 31.036 + 0.731x. In addition, from the results of the study it can also be seen that cognitive abilities have a very important relationship to the practical abilities of APP-Procedural cadets (product moment correlation r = 87.3%), where cognitive abilities have an influence of 83.6% on the practical abilities of APP cadets -procedural. It is known that an important factor supporting the improvement of the ability of air traffic control cadets in practice in the APP-Procedural lab is to improve each of their cognitive abilities.


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How to Cite

M.Kahfi Dhiya, Kusumaningsih, A., & Rizza Nur Azizah Hardianti. (2022). Analisis Pengaruh Kemampuan Kognitif Taruna Terhadap Kemampuan Praktik App-Procedural Di Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar. ARTAM: Air Transport &Amp; Traffic Management Journal, 1(1), 8–12. Retrieved from