Rancang Bangun Alat Monitoring Suhu Pada Ruang Penyimpanan Bahan Kimia Di Hanggar Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar


  • Nirwana Pratiwi Patahangi Otoritas Bandara Wilayah V
  • Munawir Makmur Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar
  • Bernadetta Wiwik Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar




STC-100 Thermostat, Bahan Kimia, Suhu, Sensor, Monitoring


In the Makassar Aviation Polytechnic Hangar there is a storage room for chemicals used for Cadets/I practicums such as Oil and Greace which are classified as hazardous and flammable chemicals. Storage of these chemicals requires a special storage room and requires special monitoring such as changes in room temperature. The maximum temperature in the chemical storage room is 30o Celcius according to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).

The STC-1000 thermostat is a device that can disconnect and connect an electric current when the device detects a change in temperature in the surrounding environment. This tool works automatically by responding to the large air temperature detected by the sensor and the thermostat will process the temperature data and provide the output that has been made before. The output is an alarm and a lamp that will turn on if there is an excess temperature.

Testing of the temperature monitoring tool was carried out in two stages, namely the first stage of testing the design before being installed in a room with hot coals and warm water. The second phase of testing was carried out in a room with monitoring of room temperature for 5 days. From the two stages of the test, it is known that if the room temperature exceeds 30o Celcius the STC-1000 Thermostat monitoring tool will give a warning in the form of an alarm and a warning light turns on indicating that the room temperature exceeds the specified temperature, namely 30o Celcius according to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)



How to Cite

Pratiwi Patahangi, N., Makmur, M., & Wiwik, B. (2022). Rancang Bangun Alat Monitoring Suhu Pada Ruang Penyimpanan Bahan Kimia Di Hanggar Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar. JAMETS : Journal of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering &Amp; Aviation Technologies, 1(1), 7–10. https://doi.org/10.46509/jamets.v1i1.326