Pembuatan Crane Electrical Untuk Praktik Piston Engine Di Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar


  • Aswar Anas Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar
  • Abraham Finani Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar
  • Djunaedi Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar



Crane, Crane Electrical, Winch Electric, Piston Engine, Efesiensi


An electrical crane is a tool that functions to move objects or engines to the desired place by using an electric motor as a lifter and lowerer of the engine or object. This tool has a design similar to the hydraulic crane engine in workshop A and has experienced a leak so it cannot be used. The Research and Development method is an approach used in developing new products or processes by combining research and development processes. There are stages such as problem identification, information gathering, planning, design, testing and implementation. From all the tests on making this crane, it can be concluded that this tool can help cadets to move piston engines easily and efficiently during piston engine practice. Electric cranes compared to hydraulic cranes can increase efficiency and productivity. This crane is able to lift the piston quickly and accurately, reducing the time required for the process of moving the engine piston and can modernize the existing tools in the Makassar Poltekbang workshop.



How to Cite

Anas, A., Finani, A., & Djunaedi. (2023). Pembuatan Crane Electrical Untuk Praktik Piston Engine Di Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar . JAMETS : Journal of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering &Amp; Aviation Technologies, 2(2), 102–107.