Rancang Bangun Alat Uji Propeller Balance Pada Fixed dan Variabel Pitch Propeller Sebagai Media Pratikum Mata Kuliah Propeller


  • Gema Agung Nurachmat Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar
  • Abraham Finani Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar
  • Musri Kona Politeknik Penerbangan Jayapura




Propeller, Blade, Static Balance, Practical Media, R&D Method


The tool design process consists of several steps starting from designing the design in 3D to making tools and testing tools to find out whether each tool works properly or not. The static balance test is a test to weigh the propeller with a special tool without any movement disturbances, when one of the propeller blades has a different center of gravity, the propeller will rotate automatically with an indication of an imbalance. This testing process is a practical activity in the propeller course. The research method uses a Research and Development (R&D) model with steps including problem analysis by means of library research and field studies. product design in the form of design development through the creation of design concepts and validated by experts in propeller courses. The results of the research are data from the Cessna 152 fixed pitch propeller test with a shift of 0.3 cm for each blade and the propeller from the PT6A engine with a variable pitch type with a blade shift of 1 = 0 cm; blades 2= 0 cm; blades 3= 0.2 cm; blades 4= 14 cm; and blade 5 = 6 cm.



How to Cite

Agung Nurachmat, G., Finani, A., & Kona, M. (2023). Rancang Bangun Alat Uji Propeller Balance Pada Fixed dan Variabel Pitch Propeller Sebagai Media Pratikum Mata Kuliah Propeller. JAMETS : Journal of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering &Amp; Aviation Technologies, 2(1), 34–43. https://doi.org/10.46509/jamets.v2i1.464