Design of Monitoring System Fasa and Power-based Internet of Things using Smartphone


  • Yayuk Suprihartini Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug
  • Laras Indah Sucita Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug



Distribution system is one of the systems in electrical power that has an important role because it is directly connected with users. Usually there are often unbalanced loads and phase failure on three phase distribution system. Measuring tools here are needed in online monitoring to find out the real time value of a distribution system. Phase and power monitoring tool will be designed in a three-phase distribution system that use the internet so that it can be accessed remotely and uses Arduino Mega, Wemos D1 Mini device with PZEM-004T sensor. So that the display of monitoring results can be accessed via smartphone device using the Blynk application



How to Cite

Suprihartini, Y., & Indah Sucita, L. (2021). Design of Monitoring System Fasa and Power-based Internet of Things using Smartphone. Airman: Jurnal Teknik Dan Keselamatan Transportasi, 4(2), 145–154.