Microcontroller-Based Floodlight Apron Control Design Via Telegram at Adi Soemarmo International Airport Solo


  • Muhammad Agung Raharjo Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar
  • Muhammad Akram Fauzan Aviation Polytechnic of Makassar
  • Bambang Driyono Aviation Polytechnic of Makassar




control, microcontroller, arduino relay, nodeMCU, Esp266, telegram, apron floodlight


In the implementation of On The Job Training, the author often carries out maintenance to the airside area, especially on the Airfield lighting system. During maintenance, technicians often communicate with the ATC (air traffic control) in terms of turning on and off the floodlight apron. The formulation of the problem in this research is what is the order of designing or assembling a microcontroller-based floodlight apron control via telegram? and How does the design and trial work of the designs made?. This final project report is made to determine the order of designing or assembling a microcontroller-based floodlight apron control via telegram and to find out how the design and trial results of the design are made. In the process of designing the floodlight apron control, several stages are carried out, namely research identification, research plan as a data observation process, analysis as the first step in collecting and compiling data, design as a development stage after conducting analysis, and implementation as a result of research that has been designed which will conduct testing. The system designed is based on a microcontroller, using an Arduino relay as a breaker and connecting electricity to the floodlight apron lamp, a power supply as an AC to DC voltage converter for lights, as well as a power supply for nodeMCU Esp8266, nodeMCU Esp8266 as the main controller which is connected to a smartphone using telegram app. The results of testing the prototype control apron floodlight have a load of 4 lights




How to Cite

Agung Raharjo, M., Akram Fauzan, M., & Driyono, B. (2021). Microcontroller-Based Floodlight Apron Control Design Via Telegram at Adi Soemarmo International Airport Solo. Airman: Jurnal Teknik Dan Keselamatan Transportasi, 4(2), 131–144. https://doi.org/10.46509/ajtk.v4i2.196